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Perfectly Competitive Equilibrium Zero Economic Profit For All Firms

A Perfectly Competitive Industry Can Only Be In Equilibrium If All The Firms Are Earning Economic Profit.

Perfectly Competitive Equilibrium: Zero Economic Profit for All Firms


In perfect competition, each firm has no market power, meaning it cannot influence the market price of its product. All firms produce identical products and are price takers, meaning they must accept the market price set by the interaction of supply and demand.

Conditions for Perfect Competition

For a perfectly competitive industry to exist, several conditions must be met:

  • Many buyers and sellers: A large number of buyers and sellers create a market where individual firms have negligible impact on the market price.
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  • Homogeneous products: All firms produce identical products, making it difficult for any firm to differentiate its product and charge a higher price.
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  • Free entry and exit: Firms can enter or leave the industry without significant barriers, ensuring that the number of firms adjusts to the equilibrium.
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  • Perfect information: All buyers and sellers have full knowledge about the market, including prices, quantities, and product quality.
  • Equilibrium in Perfectly Competitive Markets

    In a perfectly competitive market, equilibrium occurs when the quantity supplied equals the quantity demanded at the market price. At equilibrium:

  • No firm can increase its profit by producing more or less output.
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  • No new firms can enter the industry and make a profit.
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  • No existing firms have an incentive to leave the industry.
  • Zero Economic Profit in Equilibrium

    A key feature of perfect competition is that in equilibrium, all firms earn zero economic profit. This means that firms' total revenue equals their total costs.

    Firms in a perfectly competitive industry cannot earn positive economic profit in the long run due to free entry and exit. If any firm earns positive economic profit, it will attract new entrants into the industry, increasing supply and driving down prices until the excess profit is eliminated.

    Similarly, firms cannot earn negative economic profit in the long run. If any firm incurs losses, it will exit the industry, reducing supply and driving up prices until firms reach the breakeven point.


    In a perfectly competitive industry, equilibrium is characterized by zero economic profit for all firms. This is a direct result of the combination of perfect competition's conditions, including many buyers and sellers, homogeneous products, free entry and exit, and perfect information.
